samedi 28 juillet 2018

laravel-toast code at Controller

I'm trying to add laravel-toast using his code

I wrote like this (error case)

if ($validator->fails()) {

                return redirect('/')->with($notification);

            // I add this below line but didn't work                        
                    ->withErrors($notification = array(
                    'message' => 'error' ,
                    'alert-type' => 'error'));


And this is success case

$books = new Book;
        $books->item_name = $request->item_name;
        $books->item_number = $request->item_number;        

        $notification = array(
                'message' => 'success' ,
                'alert-type' => 'success'
    return redirect('/')->with($notification);

Here is my blade file

    var type=""

    case 'error':
    toaster error("");

    case 'success':
    toaster success("");

Tost didn't show up I thought Controller code is looks wrong... Could somebody correct my code please.

via Chebli Mohamed

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