mardi 25 septembre 2018

Laravel Filter products by season price with discount

Laravel get season price with discount and filter product by price ASC.

I have season table with this

| id | base_price | startDate  | endDate    | cost  | type | Duration | product_id | created_at | updated_at |
|  1 |     100.00 | 1537390800 | 1538773200 | 95.00 | day  |        2 |          9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|  2 |     100.00 | 1537390800 | 1538773200 | 85.00 | day  |        3 |          9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|  3 |     100.00 | 1537390800 | 1538773200 | 75.00 | day  |        4 |          9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|  4 |     100.00 | 1537390800 | 1538773200 | 70.00 | day  |        5 |          9 | NULL       | NULL       |

and product table

| id | alias                      | status    | img | price | user_id | published_at | deleted_at          | created_at
 | updated_at          |
|  8 | toyota-corolla-1-6-elegant | draft     | 18  | 30    |       1 | 2018-08-14   | NULL                | 2018-08-14 15:06:12 | 2018-08-20 14:58:18 |
|  9 | test                       | published |     | 0     |       1 | 2018-08-23   | 2018-09-10 19:44:29 | 2018-08-23 14:45:18 | 2018-09-10 19:44:29 |

as you can see we have three possible options

1) if we did not have at season table price for selected days we use the price from product table

2) if we have price in base_price but not have but there is no discount we use base_price

3) if we select 2 days (and got into date range) we use field cost in this case 95$

I tried this code, but it shows only one product, at a time when I need to show all products with a dynamic price.

$products_obj->join('ec_season', function ($join) use($days) {
            $join->on( '', '=', 'ec_season.product_id' )
                 ->where( 'ec_season.cost', DB::raw( "(
    select min(ec_season.cost)
    from ec_season
    where  `ec_season`.`product_id` = `ec_products`.`id`  and `ec_season`.`type` = 'day' and `Duration` <= '3'
" ) );

I use laravel 5.6 can you please help me with this?

via Chebli Mohamed

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