mercredi 29 mai 2019

Laravel responce returns empty but when I print and ran the query in db it works

This is the query code that I am using please look and help me out. I would really appreciate it

 DB::table('position as p')->addSelect(\DB::raw(
                 'p.*,(SELECT name from user where as name'
                         'DATE_FORMAT(p.created_at,"%H:%i") as time'
                    "( =(SELECT id FROM position WHERE position.user_id=p.user_id AND Date(position.created_at)='".$date."' order by asc limit 0,1) Or =(SELECT id FROM position WHERE position.user_id=p.user_id AND Date(position.created_at)='".$date."' order by desc limit 0,1))"

via Chebli Mohamed

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