I'm trying to validate images, so a user should only enter five images(maximum) and also he should not be able to upload video , ai ,psd and etc. So far when I try to upload a video it shows no errors and it does not upload the product, if I try to upload other files like psd it shows an error Illuminate \ Http \ Exceptions \ PostTooLargeException
. How can I validate only five images(maximum) to be uploaded and also only these type of files mimes:jpeg,jpg,png
public function store(Request $request)
'photos' => 'required',
'photos.*' => '|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png',
foreach ($request->photos as $photo) {
$filename = $photo->store('public/photos');
'product_id' => $product->id,
'filename' => $filename
Blade template
<input multiple="multiple" name="photos[]" type="file">
via Chebli Mohamed
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