mardi 9 juillet 2019

Laravel 5.8: Google map API auto complete errors

I am using geolocation in my laravel 5.8 project.

I want to use google map API auto complete in the search box. I created my own API key, and pasted link but it doesn't work.

I tried 3 links. First one is

    <script src="
      async defer></script>

And then the error is the below. first error

secondly, I tried this code

<script async defer src="

second error

lastly, I put this

<script src="
&key=AIzaSyDoas8GY7i156tn8zJyu474OJMEtJI2Uos&sessiontoken=1234567890" async defer></script>

third error

and error point is here, footer.blade.php

error code

via Chebli Mohamed

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