vendredi 5 juillet 2019

Laravel Mix does not emit sass

My Laravel project si not building css files. I did install fresh new Laravel project by laravel new project, then I run npm install and npm run dev.

The result I get is

 DONE  Compiled successfully in 7112ms                                                                        8:52:38 AM
                                                                                         Asset     Size   Chunks             Chunk Names
/js/app.js  1.6 MiB  /js/app  [emitted]  /js/app

The /css/app.css is missing in the list and app.css is not emitted eather.

On other way, by running npm run watch (or watch-poll/hot) any change made in app.scss is watched and the building process is run again. But result is the same - no app.css in the list of compiled files and no app.css generated.

I tried to create new laravel project on another computer and running npm run dev on it works without problem. Both run on Windows 10, node version v10.16.0, npm version 6.9.0.

I tried to completely reinstall Node (to latest 10.16.0) and create new laravel project from scratch but with no luck.

Any help appreciated.

via Chebli Mohamed

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