jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Saving customer model inherited from User can not read id

In my Laravel 5 table users can be of different type, so I made customer model, like

class Customer extends User 
    protected $table = 'users';
    protected $primaryKey = '';

    protected $fillable = [

    public static function boot()
        static::addGlobalScope('RoleCustomer', function (Builder $builder) {
            $builder->leftJoin( 'users_groups', 'users_groups.user_id', '=', '')
            ->select( with(new Customer)->getTable().'.*')
                ->where( 'users_groups.group_id', ACCESS_ROLE_CUSTOMER );


and it works when I need to load data but I encountered error saving data : But I have problems saving :

    $newCustomer = new Customer();

    $newUsersGroups= new UsersGroups();
    $newUsersGroups->user_id= $newCustomer->id; // this value is mull

and dumping newCustomer var I see :

[attributes:protected] => Array
        [username] => customer1
        [] => 13

I am not sure which is valid way to deal it?

via Chebli Mohamed

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