samedi 6 juillet 2019

Split orders to specific seller Laravel

I'm stuck trying to show orders that belong to a seller of the product. Right now when a user place an order that has multiple products from different sellers, the order appear to all sellers. for example product 1,2,3 sold by a,b,c respectively, if a customer orders 1,2 at once both a,b see the order instead of product 1 to go to seller a and 2 to b.

How can i filter and show only the order that belong to the seller of the product.

here is how my relationships are defined in models


public function orderInfo()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Order::class,'order_product','seller_id');


public function item()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Product')->withPivot('quantity','total','Subtotal');

in Product.php and Order_Product.php there is no relationship defined.

And this is my controller

// Seller Orders

public function viewOrders(User $user)
$orders = Auth::user()->orderInfo()->with('item')->get();
return view('orders')->with('orders', $orders);

Here is how my tables looks like

via Chebli Mohamed

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