mardi 6 août 2019

Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "xxx" using 2 possible authenticators

I'm running Laravel 5.3 on PHP 7 with SwiftMailer 5.4.xx and I seem to be running into the subject error with an office365 account. Despite the numerous threads on how to resolve it I am still unsuccessful despite having the following

  1. OpenSSL is enabled
  2. I have a Valid SSL certificate
  3. The user/ password is indeed correct
  4. The SMTP settings are correct ( using port 587 with TLS)
  5. The TLS versions are enabled and correct (1.2)
  6. I currently do not have firewall

    I did a tes tusing software and got the following but not sure what this means....

    --starttls smtp

    Service set: STARTTLS via SMTP

    Testing protocols via sockets

    SSLv2 not offered (OK) SSLv3 not offered (OK) TLS 1 not offered TLS 1.1 not offered TLS 1.2 not offered TLS 1.3 not offered

Can anyone shed some light on it?

via Chebli Mohamed

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