I'have multiple auth laravel dashboard. When i login the default page redirect me to the client dashboard blade. When i write something in client blade.It does not show anything.I am using vuejs routers. Everything is working perfect. I tried to call component in that blade but it's still showing blank .I want to redirect to dashboard component.
Controller: I tried it with the return url('url here') but still not working for me.
public function index()
return view('client');
Client Blade:
Hello World
Master Blade:
<router-link to="/clientdashboard" title="dashboard">
<span class="nav-link-text"><iclass="fal fa-user"></i>DashBoard</span>
<div class="page-content">
let routes = [
{path: '/clientdashboard', component: require('./components/clientdashboard.vue').default},
via Chebli Mohamed
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