samedi 21 décembre 2019

Laravel 5.7: Get the file size depends on the extension of each folder

In our application, we implemented the file upload for each module. What we have done right now is the file will save depends on the module.

Example we have 3 modules:

1) Module A 2) Module B 3) Module C

when the user uploaded a file in Module A. It will look like this

// Assuming your company id is 11

public/attachments/11/Module A/filename.fileextension

If user uploaded another file in Module B

// Company id is still 11

public/attachments/11/Module B/filename.fileextension

Now this is what we want, we want to get the total size of each extension then display it in our view


Attachment Uploaded Size:
Images: 900 KB
Docs/x: 250 MB
PDF: 100 KB


/* =========================== GET ALL UPLOADED FILES =========================== */

        $all_attachments                    = CustomerModel::getAllAttachments();
            $docs_size = 0;
            foreach($all_attachments as $key => $file)
                /* === FILE NAME === */
                $filename   = $file->filename;

                /* === FILE EXTENSION === */
                $extension  = \File::extension($filename);

                if($extension == 'docx' || $extension == 'doc')
                    // dd("sss");
                    $docs_size += $file->size();
                // dd($foo);
                // $file =
                // dd($file->getClientOriginalExtension());


Attachment Files table

Module Type(string)
File name(string)

Question: Is it possible to sum all the same file extension?

via Chebli Mohamed

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