mardi 3 décembre 2019

laravel db query paginate get row ids in blade

Hello I'm using db query in my controller

$query = DB::table('users');
$records = $query->paginate(50);

in view I access the records as

@foreach ($records as $row)

now the name and email are all correct except for the id it only generates 1


1 | name1 | email1
1 | name2 | name2
1 | name3 | name 3

i don't know why it's only showing up 1 in the id when the var_dump(DB::getQueryLog()); shows the correct ids 1, 2, 3

note: this is a large database around 500k records it could show 200231 as the ID

I'm using Laravel Framework 5.8.35

via Chebli Mohamed

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