vendredi 10 janvier 2020

How can I show Name instead of ID in Laravel

I'm completely new to Laravel. Can someone please guide me on how to set up a relationship between BorrowersRequest and Cars?

I have done it on Request Status which is also a foreign key of BorrowersRequest and it's totally working. Now I'm thinking why it isn't working with the cars.


class BorrowerRequest extends Model
    public $timestamps = false;

    public function requestStatus() {
        return $this->belongsTo('App\RequestStatus');

    public function requestedCar() {
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Car');

this is in my borrowershistory Page. The request status works perfectly fine.

                        <td><p class="text-muted"><small>Car to be Rented:</small></td>
                        <td><p class="text-muted"><small>Date of Return:</small></td>
                        <td><p class="text-muted"><small>Request Status:</small></td>

here's my controller

public function viewBorrowManager()
    $borrower_requests = BorrowerRequest::all();
    $request_statuses = RequestStatus::all();
    return view('/borrowmanager', [
        'borrower_requests' => $borrower_requests,
        'request_statuses' => $request_statuses

and my in migration

public function up()
    Schema::create('borrower_requests', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('borrowers_name', 50);


via Chebli Mohamed

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