samedi 4 janvier 2020

How to fake image upload for testing with Intervention image package using Laravel

I have a test asserting that images can be uploaded. Here is the code...

// Test

$file = UploadedFile::fake()->image('image_one.jpg');

$response = $this->post('/api/images', [
'images' => $file

Then in controller i am doing something simpler..

$file->store('images', 'public');

And asserting couple of things. and it works like charm.

But now i need to resize the image using Intervention image package. for that i have a following code:

        ->resize(1200, null)
        ->save(storage_path('app/public/images/' . $file->hashName()));

And in case if directory does not existing i am checking first this and creating one -

if (!Storage::exists('app/public/images/')) {
        Storage::makeDirectory('public/images/', 666, true, true);

Now Test should be green and i will but the issue is that every time i run tests it upload a file into storage directory. Which i don't want. I just need to fake the uploading and not real one.

Any Solution ?

Thanks in advance :)

via Chebli Mohamed

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