mardi 7 janvier 2020

Laravel Cashier Subscription v10.5

I am trying to implement a subscription with Cashier. I am not using the user table but a customer table which I have defined OK in .env with


The appropriate other fields are added to the customer table.

I first wish to get some information on the customer so they fill in a simple form which includes their name, email, country and a password. I then save the customer->id as a session variable.

I have a table of plans which contains the stripe subscription reference and the test reference. I have set these up in Stripe.

After recording the customer details I take them to a view which is where they input their card details. The customer is found on this page as the id is passed to the view and also set a session variable.

$fs = App\Customer::find($id);
$pl = App\Plan::find(3);
$amount = $pl->cost * 100;
session(['subscriber' => $id]);

Plan id 3 is my test plan but will be replaces when I get things to work and so my form is

<form action="/subscriptionPayment" method="POST">
          src="" class="stripe-button"

This does record the stripeID in the table but not the last 4 numbers of the card or the card brand. (I am using 4242 4242 4242 4242).

The controller method is

public function subscriptionPayment(Request $request)

    $pl = Plan::find(3);
    $amount = $pl->cost *100;
    $cu = Cust::find( session('customer') );

    $paymentMethods = $cu->paymentMethods();
    $intent = $cu->createSetupIntent();

    $stripeToken = $cu->stripe_id;
    $cu->newSubscription($pl->name, $pl->test_stripe_plan)->create($stripeToken);     //test strip id
    return 'Charge successful, you get the course!';



I did dd the $intent which returned

Stripe\SetupIntent {#500 ▼
  +saveWithParent: false
  #_opts: Stripe\Util\RequestOptions {#503 ▶}
  #_originalValues: array:20 [▶]
  #_values: array:20 [▶]
  #_unsavedValues: Stripe\Util\Set {#490 ▶}
  #_transientValues: Stripe\Util\Set {#506 ▶}
  #_retrieveOptions: []
  #_lastResponse: Stripe\ApiResponse {#502 ▶}
  id: "seti_1FyFFyF7aDMrgjaujaPqH939"
  object: "setup_intent"
  application: null
  cancellation_reason: null
  client_secret: "seti_1FyFFyF7aDMrgjaujaPqH939_secret_GVFlyidVC9hiJVM3FDrXMoyxO0etcPL"
  created: 1578392750
  customer: null
  description: null
  last_setup_error: null
  livemode: false
  mandate: null
  metadata: Stripe\StripeObject {#512 ▶}
  next_action: null
  on_behalf_of: null
  payment_method: null
  payment_method_options: Stripe\StripeObject {#508 ▶}
  payment_method_types: array:1 [▶]
  single_use_mandate: null
  status: "requires_payment_method"
  usage: "off_session"

The subscription fails with

No such PaymentMethod: cus_GVEuKhg2BUE7BB 

This is the correct customer number as recorded in the database.

Help greatly appreciated indeed.

via Chebli Mohamed

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