dimanche 5 janvier 2020

Relationship with parameter then use contains in Eloquent Laravel

Have the next code working properly:

$system_breeds = SystemsGroup::find($group_id)->breeds;

$breeds = Breed::select('id', 'breed')->orderBy('breed')->get()->transform(function ($breed) use ($system_breeds) {
    if ($system_breeds->contains($breed)) {
        $breed->active = true;
    return $breed;

On every breed that exists on the system_breeds I'm adding an active property as true.

What I want to do now, is something like this:

$system_breeds = SystemsGroup::where('id',$group_id)->with(['breeds' => function($q) use ($section_id){
   $q->where('group_section_id', $section_id);

So, add a where filter on the relationship. But the "contains" doesn't work.

via Chebli Mohamed

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