mardi 7 avril 2020

Any changes made to Laravel blade templates will not show in my local environment - tried cache clearing


MAMP 5.7

Laravel 5.4

I have my company's main website cloned into my local environment. I have gotten everything up and running and all the views render correctly. My problem comes when I attempt to alter any of the blade templates. Any HTML I add to it or remove from it is completely ignored when I run it on the Apache server.

What I have tried:

-Clearing the Apache and Laravel caches (php artisan cache:clear, php artisan view:clear)

-Opening up r/w file permissions on every folder

I am stumped. Any insight would be appreciated.


When going directly to the blade template file path (/views/path/to/template/template.blade.php), the content I added will render. It just seems to not render when I run it though the localhost/path route.

via Chebli Mohamed

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