mardi 7 avril 2020

create simple CMS by using laravel and google ads api

Everyone. Please help me.. I need to create simple CMS system with laravel.

CMS for custom google ads campaign build

if you have any experience with google api services and adwords ads? can you create the cms we need to create and manage campaigns? using their api ?

the project is tricky you need to be familiar with google ads groups/campains structure etc the rest is fairly easy as the google campaign has all the functionalities and examples premade

  • create and edit ads, ad groups, ad campaigns
  • create and edit ads based on type (search, shopping, dynamic search ads)
  • add tracking template for ads
  • auto enable tracking tag (gclid) for ads
  • be able to manually see keywords clicks and conversions and bid per keyword so we can see bad performing ads
  • be able to ban keywords per ad (ban low performing keywords), if revenue per keyword is x% smaller than ad spent for keyword to automatically bad the keyword
  • be able to automatically analyse bad performing ads based on set parameters
  • set max CPC per keyword or leave it automatical
  • add/use extensions for ads
  • set max budget per day or per campaign these are the base functionalities

the purpose of the CMS is to allow us to automatically import advertisers from a platform and start/test to see which are profitable about coding standards, please do not edit the main library, use classes and comments so we are able to edit the code if we need changes done for the automation please use the google ads api even if its in beta as, its the future of this api as a theme i would like to use this

if you can help me then we can make a deal. Best regards.

via Chebli Mohamed

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