mardi 7 avril 2020

how to use angular controller variable in php variable in laravel blade file

Hi i am working on project in laravel 5.4 and in it in blade files angular is used and i am completely noob in angular

So here is a blade file in which i am adding a button to navigate to a different page with ID in href

<div ng-controller="MyOrderDetailsController as orderDialogCtrl">

<h1 ><em ng-bind="orderDialogCtrl.order.orderUID"></em> </h1>

      $id = <<<EOD
     <h3><em ng-bind="orderDialogCtrl.order.orderUID"></em></h3>

    <a class="btn btn-light btn-sm lw-btn" title="<?=  __tr('Return Product')  ?>" href=""><?=  __tr("Return Product")  ?></a>

Now my tag is printing the value but my problem is i want use that value in my php variable but when i use my variable it returns string not the value.Please help how i use that value in my php variable.

via Chebli Mohamed

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