mercredi 8 avril 2020

Why jobs table are empty when dispatching a job in Laravel 6?

I'm using laravel 6

I've been struggling all the day to figure out why jobs table never get populated when I dispatch a job

When I hit this artisan command php artisan queue:work

I get the following

[2020-04-08 11:37:04][12] Processing: App\Jobs\SendEmail
[2020-04-08 11:37:05][12] Processed:  App\Jobs\SendEmail
[2020-04-08 11:37:05][13] Processing: App\Mail\ActivationEmail
[2020-04-08 11:37:06][13] Processed:  App\Mail\ActivationEmail

Email get sent successfuly..

I changed some configurations in config.php

 'default' => env('QUEUE_CONNECTION', 'database'),

as well as .env


failed_jobs and jobs tables are migrated..

jobs table always empty...

why this is happening ?

via Chebli Mohamed

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