I have such a situation on my laraclassified there is no multi currency when adding an ad, only one currency is worth. in the admin panel when specifying the country there is a choice of currency. but there is only one currency you choose. what should the user do when adding an ad could a different currency? for example, euros or dollars? I wrote to the developers, but they respond in a very long time.
// Special parameters
$specParams = [];
if ($key == 'minPrice') { // Min. Price
// $this->arrSql->where[] = $this->filterParametersFields[$key] . ' >= ' . $value;
$this->arrSql->having[] = $this->filterParametersFields[$key] . ' >= ' . $value;
$specParams[] = $key;
if ($key == 'maxPrice') { // Max. Price
// $this->arrSql->where[] = $this->filterParametersFields[$key] . ' <= ' . $value;
$this->arrSql->having[] = $this->filterParametersFields[$key] . ' <= ' . $value;
$specParams[] = $key;
another code
{"name":"local_currency_packages_activation","label":"Allow users to pay the Packages in their country currency","type":"checkbox","hint":"You have to create a list of <a href=\"#admin#/package\" target=\"_blank\">Packages</a> per currency (using currencies of activated countries) to allow users to pay the Packages in their local currency.<br>NOTE: By unchecking this field all the lists of Packages (without currency matching) will be shown during the payment process.","wrapperAttributes":{"class":"form-group col-md-6"}}';
via Chebli Mohamed
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