lundi 15 juin 2020

Merge Array from foreach loop in laravel

Following my code.. i am trying to get array by clicking checkbox. i got arrray. but in two diffrent. please check my controller. i need when i click on 2 diffrent checkbox it will get two diffrent array. after final result get merge itself. i tried but get where i am wrong. please help.

// Checkbox
    <li class="lib">
                <label><input class="genreTag"  id="" data-slug="mood-emotion" type="checkbox" name="" value="}">} () </label>

     <li class="lib">
                <label><input class="genreTag"  id="" data-slug = "music-genre" type="checkbox" name="" value="}">} () </label>

//Sidebar Filter Genre Tracks
$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.genreTag').on('change', function (e)
        $('input.filter-playlist').each(function() {
            var $this = $(this);
            $this.prop('checked', false);
            $this.parent().find('> div').removeClass('chk-checked').addClass('chk-unchecked');

        id = [];
        slug  = [];

        $.get("/genre-tags/", {id: id,slug: slug}, function(data)
            refreshedPage = $(data);
            newDemo = refreshedPage.find(".libraryWrapper, .albumWrapper, .composersWrapper, .albumsListWrapper, .albumsWrapper, .accountWrapper, .distributionsWrapper, .PaymentsWrapper, .contactWrapper, .contractsWrapper, .toolsWrapper, .blogWrapper, .pageWrapper, .cartWrapper, .pageWrapper").html();

            $('.libraryWrapper, .albumsWrapper, .albumWrapper, .composersWrapper, .albumsListWrapper, .accountWrapper, .distributionsWrapper, .PaymentsWrapper, .contactWrapper, .contractsWrapper, .toolsWrapper, .blogWrapper, .pageWrapper, .cartWrapper, .pageWrapper').html(newDemo);


public function genresFilter ()
        $sortBy = Input::get('sortBy', 'id');
        $dir    = Input::get('direction', 'desc');

        $orderBy = [
                        'tracks'=>[   'order_by'=>$sortBy, 'direction'=>$dir ]

        $id = Input::get('id');
        $slug = Input::get('slug');

        if(!is_array($id)) {
            $id = []; 

            $tag = [];

        } else {

            foreach($slug as $key => $slug) {

                $category = Category::where('slug', $slug)->first();

                $tag = Tag::with('tracks','elements')->where('category_id', $category->id)->whereIn('id', $id)->get();
        echo "<pre>";

        $this->layout->content = View::make('public.tags.genres', compact('tag'));

Following my code.. i am trying to get array by clicking checkbox. i got arrray. but in two diffrent. please check my controller. i need when i click on 2 diffrent checkbox it will get two diffrent array. after final result get merge itself. i tried but get where i am wrong. please help.

Following my code.. i am trying to get array by clicking checkbox. i got arrray. but in two diffrent. please check my controller. i need when i click on 2 diffrent checkbox it will get two diffrent array. after final result get merge itself. i tried but get where i am wrong. please help.

via Chebli Mohamed

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