vendredi 11 décembre 2020

How to insert specific clicked checkboxes, if else statement

I'm having problem with inserting data if is clicked some value, i'm getting value from checkboxes but i want to insert some data with that values, i'm only inserting all data or just one, but i want to insert if is clicked '0' , '3' insert only inputs for them

if (!empty($vrednost['vrednost'])) {
// Loop to store and display values of individual checked checkbox.
            $vrednost_count = ($vrednost['vrednost']);
//                dd($vrednost_count);
            foreach ($vrednost['vrednost'] as $selected) {
                if ($selected == 0 || $selected == 3 || $selected == 10 || $selected == 5) {
                    $magacin = [];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina0; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '333' . $odBroja0++, 'vrednost' => 0, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina3; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '22' . $odBroja3++, 'vrednost' => 3, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina5; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '555' . $odBroja5++, 'vrednost' => 5, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina10; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '999' . $odBroja5++, 'vrednost' => 10, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];
                } elseif($selected[]) {    // what to write i try if select that or that 
                    $magacin = [];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina0; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '333' . $odBroja0++, 'vrednost' => 0, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina3; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '22' . $odBroja3++, 'vrednost' => 3, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];
                    for ($i = 0; $i <= $kolicina5; $i++) $magacin[] = ['id' => '555' . $odBroja5++, 'vrednost' => 5, 'uneto_by' => $user->fullName, 'uneto_at' => $uneto_at, 'status' => 0];

This is my view, like u see in the botom you need to check what values('vrednost') you want to insert, if i click 0 and 3 i want only that 2 to insert in data (

In this example i check only 0, 5 and this is inserting all

array:4 [▼
  0 => array:5 [▼
    "id" => "3332"
    "vrednost" => 0
    "uneto_by" => "Petar Arsic"
    "uneto_at" => "2020-12-11 10:31"
    "status" => 0
  1 => array:5 [▶]
  2 => array:5 [▶]
  3 => array:5 [▼
    "id" => "9994"
    "vrednost" => 10
    "uneto_by" => "Petar Arsic"
    "uneto_at" => "2020-12-11 10:31"
    "status" => 0
array:2 [▼
  0 => "0"
  1 => "5"

This is my controller, i need some if statement if to insert if clicked 1 or clicked all, or 3.
I tried to write a huge if else i got that values but its not accurate

PS. if value from checkbox('vrednost') he is making a one array with value of that checked checkbox

via Chebli Mohamed

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