mercredi 9 décembre 2020

How to query for department wise doctor list according to their priority?

Suppose I have two tables Doctor & Doctor_department

In Doctor_department table have some departments

department list

a(priority=1), b(priority=2), c(priority=3)

And In Doctor table there also have some doctor list with priority under those departments

doctor list

d1(prority=1, dpearmtent=a), d2(prority=2, dpearmtent=a), d3(prority=3, dpearmtent=a), d4(prority=4, dpearmtent=b), d5(prority=5, dpearmtent=b), d6(prority=6, dpearmtent=c), d7(prority=7, dpearmtent=c)

Now I want to query those doctors according to department and priority like below format


What is the query for MySQL?

I can fetch doctors list ascending order according to their priority but can't fetch doctor with department in ascending order according to its priority.


Doctor_list = Doctor::orderBy('priority', 'ASC')->get();

Anybody can help please ? Thanks in advance

via Chebli Mohamed

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