samedi 6 février 2021

Connect to Homestead with mobile device

I'm running Laravel Homestead on my Windows PC. I want to be able to connect to my local environment with a physical phone (Android or iPhone). I've done some research but nothing seems to be working.

I've added a public network to my Homestead.yaml like the documentation says to do:

ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 2
provider: virtualbox
ssl: true

#authorize: ~/.ssh/

#    - ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    - map: C:\Users\john\Documents\Github\project
      to: /home/vagrant/project
    - map: C:\Users\john\Documents\Github\project\phpmyadmin
      to: /home/vagrant/project/phpmyadmin

    - map: homestead.test
      to: /home/vagrant/project/public
    - map: phpmyadmin.test
      to: /home/vagrant/project/phpmyadmin/public

    - type: "public_network"
      ip: ""

    - homestead

    - mysql: false
    - mariadb: false
    - postgresql: false
    - ohmyzsh: false
    - webdriver: false

If I go to on my computer's browser, it works fine, but it's not connecting on my mobile phone and I don't know why.

What am I doing wrong? What do I need to change?

via Chebli Mohamed

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