I'm attempting to set up Laravel with the Managed MongoDB provided by DigitalOcean, though for some reason the database is not connecting.
I've hit a wall and I think it's something to do with authSource, but can't replicate it via cli otherwise...
.env file
'connectionmethod' => [
'driver' => 'mongodb',
'dsn' => env('MONGO_DSN'),
'database' => env('MONGO_DATABASE', ''),
'username' => env('MONGO_USER', ''),
'password' => env('MONGO_PASSWORD', ''),
'options' => [
'tls' => (bool) env('MONGO_TLS', false),
'tlsCAFile' => env('MONGO_TLS_CERT', null),
'authSource' => 'admin',
'db' => 'admin',
'database' => 'admin',
The above causes the following error:
ERROR: No suitable servers found (`serverSelectionTryOnce` set): [connection error calling ismaster on 'digitaloceanhostname'
(MongoDB\\Driver\\Exception\\ConnectionTimeoutException(code: 13053): No suitable servers found (`serverSelectionTryOnce` set): [connection error calling ismaster on 'digitaloceanhostname:27017']
However, when using the CLI to call ismaster, it works:
# mongo "mongodb+srv://MONGO_USER:MONGO_PASSWORD@digitaloceanhostname/MONGO_DATABASE?authSource=admin" --eval 'printjson(db.runCommand({"isMaster": 1}))' --ssl --sslCAFile ./mongo-db-cert.crt
Running it without the ?authSource=admin causes an authentication error, which is making me think the connection error from laravel is the same thing.
# mongo --version
MongoDB shell version v3.6.8
# apt list --installed | grep php | grep mongo
php7.4-mongodb/focal,now 1.9.0+1.7.5-6+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 amd64 [installed]
# php artisan --version
Laravel Framework 5.8.38
I'm probably missing something obvious, but after looking at this all day any input is appreciated!
via Chebli Mohamed
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