lundi 4 juillet 2022

Laravel ReflectionException : Class CustomerAccountController does not exist

I have this project on Laravel 5.7 and Voyager on WAMP with 2 issues, the first one is when I run php artisan route:list and the result is:

 ReflectionException  : Class CustomerAccountController does not exist
 at C:\wamp64\www\cell_marketplace\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php:779

And actually the class exists and I'm using its functions on another processes and it's working, I've checked namespace, ran composer dump-autoload with no results.

The second one, I've created a BREAD on Voyager, and I got the model class and controller class, but when I go to the index of that resource again got this:

 ReflectionException: Class DropOffController does not exist in \vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php:779

And the controller exists and has a function that it's actually working, so I think that's related with the first one but if anybody can help I'd really appreciate it

via Chebli Mohamed

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