jeudi 30 novembre 2017

laravel Job / Queue not been processed weird infinite loop

I'm trying to create a queue but it doesn't work when I run php artisan queue:work all I get in my terminal is

[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV
[2017-11-30 19:56:27] Processing: App\Jobs\ProcessCSV

It's like an infinite loop. The id in my jobs table just goes up and up too. It does work on my laptop but not on my desktop which is very strange. I put in onto my devleopment server and it doesn't work on there either.

My code is below and any help would be appreciated.


public function upload(Request $request) {
        if($request->file('imported-file')) {

            $user = "";

            $file = $request->file('imported-file')->store('uploads', 'public');
            $this->dispatch(new ProcessCSV($file, $user));

            Session::flash('success', 'Your file was uploaded successfully. We will email you once the locations have be imported.');
            return back();

        } else {

            Session::flash('error', 'Please select a file to upload!!!!');
            return back();




public function handle()

        $data = Excel::load($this->file, function($reader) {})->get();

        $apiKey = '';

        foreach($data as $row) {

            if(!empty($row['postcode'])) {

                $url = "".urlencode($row['postcode'])."&region=uk&key=";
                $tmp = file_get_contents($url);
                $xml = simplexml_load_string($tmp);

                // print_r($xml); exit;

                if((string)$xml->status == 'OK' && isset($xml->result[0])) {

                    if(isset($xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lat)) {
                        $lat = (string)$xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lat;

                    if(isset($xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lng)) {
                        $lng = (string)$xml->result[0]->geometry->location->lng;


                        'sitecode' => $row['sitecode']
                        'sitecode' => $row['sitecode'],
                        'sitename' => $row['sitename'],
                        'address_1' => $row['address_1'],
                        'address_2' => $row['address_2'],
                        'address_town' => $row['address_town'],
                        'address_postcode' => $row['postcode'],
                        'charity' => $row['charity'],
                        'latitude' => $lat,
                        'longitude' => $lng,
                        'approved' => 1




via Chebli Mohamed

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