mardi 28 novembre 2017

Undefined variable: task (View: C:\Users\13\Desktop\TDT\resources\views\files\form.blade.php) in Laravel

i need print task_id in file table when some user is going to attach files. this is My form.blade.php file action


action=""> //and this is line 39

and this is FilesController

 private function saveUploads(Request $request, $fileUrl, $id,$taskId)
        $file = new File;
        $file->file_name  = $request->file('file_name')->getClientOriginalName();
        $file->file_url   = $fileUrl;
        $file->project_id = $id;
        $file->task_id = $taskId;


and this is My file attachment routes

Route::post('projects/{projects}/files', [
     'uses' => 'FilesController@uploadAttachments',
     'as'   => 'projects.files',
     'middleware' => ['auth']

and My file/form.blade.php is include with show.blade.php file in task folder in view directory


@include('files.form') // form.blade.php include

but unfortunately I got this following errors

ErrorException in ae0a86ab95cb7f092eb44a17fd000e94f21b305d.php line 39:
Undefined variable: task (View: C:\Users\13\Desktop\ddd\resources\views\files\form.blade.php)

how can fix this problem?

via Chebli Mohamed

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