mercredi 28 mars 2018

Dusk not working with factories and/or migrations in Homestead

Using a fresh install of Laravel and dusk, then copying the exact test from the docs for logging in the user, I get an error that the users table doesn't exist.

I don't get any error when using a factory to create a user, but when trying to login as that user, i can see the browser window opening (screenshoots), typing in the creds, then seeing the error that user can't be found.

I see that Dusk tests never ran the migrations.

I change my config/database.php and .env.dusk.local

// config/database.php

'connections' => [
         'testing' => [
         'driver' => 'sqlite',
         'database' => database_path('testing.sqlite'),
         'prefix' => '',

`// .env.dusk.local


and ran composer update but the error persist :(

via Chebli Mohamed

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