vendredi 30 mars 2018

Laravel eloquent patter search not working properly

I am trying to query database using the user input value for search field. But the result i am getting is totally wrong. It doesn't have the search term. I have no idea where i could be doing wrong. i followed the laravel doc,and some questions over stackoverflow, but nothings seems to be working. Can anyone please check my query and perhaps can guide me to the right direction.

My query is like this Query term is Rose , and only one record has title name Rose

public function catelogSearch(Request $request){

    if ($request->has('query') && $request->get('query')!= ''){
        $searchQuery = $request->get('query');

        $query = ProductCategory::with(['product'=>function($q) use($searchQuery){


            }elseif (request()->segment(1)=='subscription'){
            $q->whereHas('price',function ($q){




This query giving me all the data in my database, unlike where it should give me where it has the query term in the title. And also please see, that i am querying with('product') two times. If i do one time, It doesn't return product data, it return empty response for the product.

Can anyone please suggest me. Thank u.

via Chebli Mohamed

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