jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Avoid The Divide by Zero Error Larael

I am trying to calculate some stats on my Laravel site...however when I execute the following code it is giving me a 'Divide By Zero Error'

I understand why because there are no records so the calculation is 0 divide 0

Is there a way that if it eqauls zero to echo '0' rather than throw up that error


    private function getAverageOddsForLastMonth()
    $firstDayOfLastMonth = new Carbon('first day of last month');
    $lastDayOfLastMonth = new Carbon('last day of last month');

    $tipslastmonth = Tip::whereBetween('tip_date',

    $sumOfTheOddsLastMonth = Tip::whereBetween('tip_date',

    return ($sumOfTheOddsLastMonth / $tipslastmonth);

via Chebli Mohamed

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