vendredi 23 septembre 2016

laravel installtino error - /usr/bin/env: ‘php’: No such file or directory

I have installed php and composer using lampstack and both are working fine after adding them to .bashrc like this.

export PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="~/lampstack-5.6.25-0/php/bin:$PATH"

php -v works fine and even command composer works. However when I try laravel, it gives following error.

/usr/bin/env: ‘php’: No such file or directory

I have tried answers of this link and added symlink, still same error. I also tried ~/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel, got same error again. WHat am I doing wrong?

PS: I am using Ubuntu 16.04

via Chebli Mohamed

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