vendredi 23 septembre 2016

Use Distinct with join table Mysql laravel 5

I have a task from my boss to display data from mysql using laravel 5. He give me this query for SQL

SELECT DISTINCT loans.loan_number, borrower.brate, loans.loint, loan_offer.amount,
FROM loans, loan_offer, borrower, repayment_lender,LENDER
WHERE = loan_offer.loan_id
AND loans.borrower_id =
AND repayment_lender.loans_id =
AND = loan_offer.lender_id
AND = 3

if the query is executed it will look like this Like this

I used this code in my controller

 $data_loanoffers    =  DB::table('loans')->join('loans', '', '=', 'repayment_lender.loans_id')
                                            ->join('loans', '', '=', 'loan_offer.loan_id')
                                            ->join('borrower', '', '=', 'loans.borrower_id')
                                            ->join('loan_offer', 'loan_offer.lender_id', '=', '')
return view('account.investor_portfolio',[
            'data_loanoffers'  => $data_loanoffers,

And use this code in view to display data

 @foreach($data_loanoffers as $loans)       
                                        <td>  </div>
                                        <td>  </div>
                                        <td> </div>
                                        <td> </div>
                                        <td> ?? </div>


I'm newbie in laravel 5. and I do not know where the error of my code. maybe master here can help me? Thanks in advance.

via Chebli Mohamed

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