samedi 24 septembre 2016

Why Laravel reset password email does not work after the first time?

I am new to Laravel framework and could not find answers when googling about the issue. I use Laravel 5.2 and AngularJS together for my web application on Amazon Server.

Now, i know that Laravel has out of box password reset views and controllers, but I need to change them a bit to work with my Angular views and routes.

This is my issue

I set the forms and Laravel password reset routes with Angular to email the password reset link. Then when I click on the link in the email, it takes me to the correct reset view where password reset is done successfully. BUT ONLY THE FIRST TIME.

After that, when i try to reset the same user's or even another user's password again, I get the message that password link was sent but no actual email is being sent my Laravel anymore. I need to wait some time in order to be able to reset the password again.

Any ideas why is this happening?

I though hat it might have something to do with Amazon server configuration for sending password reset emails. Then I testing on my local machine with XAMPP and had the same issue.

via Chebli Mohamed

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