jeudi 22 décembre 2016

Eager loading and method type injection

I have a route that just shows some form:

Route::get('/form/{form}', 'FormController@show');

In the FormController, thanks to type injection I automagically convert form id (from {form}) to App\Form object and display it in the view:

public function show(Form $form){
    return view('form', compact('form'));

When I get a Form object through Eloquent query builder, I can eager load related elements/models like that:

$form = App\Form::where('id', '1497')->with('subform')->get()

Is there a way to automatically eager-autoload $form object with subform related object, or do I need to do it manually like that:

public function show($id){
    $form = App\Form::where('id', $id)->with('subform')->get();
    return view('form', compact('form'));

via Chebli Mohamed

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