jeudi 1 décembre 2016

Laravel deleting a file NotFoundHttpException

this is my form in my view

         {!! Form::open(['url' => ['documents/{file}/{id}', $file->name, $file->id],'method' => 'delete']) !!}
         {!! Form::token() !!}
         {!! Form::submit('Delete') !!}
         {!! Form::close() !!}

controller in which i delete file from database and the original file

public function destroyFile($file_name, $id)
    $file_path = storage_path('documents').'/'.$file_name;
    $destinationPath = $file_path; File::delete($file_path);
    return redirect('/documents');

This is the route


And when i press submit button I get NotFoundHttpException

via Chebli Mohamed

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