jeudi 1 décembre 2016

Multi - Insert on Eloquent Model

I have this Cluster_Members model


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Cluster_Members extends Model
    protected $table ='cluster_members';
    protected $fillable=['client_id','cluste_id'];
    public function name(){
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Client_Information','client_id');


Then i have check in my view that has name of client_id[]

In my controller. I want to insert it once and detect if the cluster_id and client_id is not existing on that table.

Any suggestion on how to do it without looping like this?

$cluster_members = new \App\Cluster_Members;
$cluster_id= $request->id
foreach($request->client_id as $x){

via Chebli Mohamed

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