I am writing code to test the file upload using PHPUnit in Laravel 5.3. I am JWT and I am sending the token in the header (HTTP_Authorization), but the token is not reaching the server. The code is given below.
Please tell me what is wrong with my code?
public function testUpload()
$content = $this->post('users/login', ['password' => 'mypass',
'email' => 'scko@gmail.com'])->response->getContent();
$data = json_decode($content);
$token = $data->token;
$stub = 'D:/work/gw.png';
$name = str_random(8).'.png';
$path = 'D:/storage/userfiles/78/'.$name;
copy($stub, $path);
$file = new \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile($path, $name, filesize($path), 'image/png', null, true);
$response = $this->call('POST', 'files/uploadcardimage', ['HTTP_Authorization' => $token], [] ['file' => $file], ['Accept' => 'application/json']);
$content = json_decode($response->getContent());
echo json_encode($content);
via Chebli Mohamed
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