vendredi 23 décembre 2016

Ubuntu Screen command does not recognize Lumen Queue command

I am in a bit of a situation where I need to manually restart queues on linux/ubuntu based box and the proper approach I was told to follow is to use the screen command line application.

I am on Ubuntu 14.X and when I do an -ls command I can actually see the sessions running on the server. Below is a command I would run if I was outside screen session:

mycommandline$ php artisan queue:restart

Now the issue is that if from the -ls output I grab the session's port to include in the command I run I get the error below:

Cannot exec 'php artisan queue': No such file or directory

I also tried typing screen "php artisan queue:restart" and I keep getting the same issue.

I am not farmiliar at all with the screen program and any suggestions to point me to the right direction would be much appreciated.

via Chebli Mohamed

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