samedi 10 février 2018

Laravel chart with groupbyday

i was trying to implement Chart with Laravel there i want to show my monthly collection which daily collection for that i used following Query

$data = Transaction::select('transactions.updated_at',  
     DB::raw('sum(collected_today) as aggregate'))->groupBy(DB::raw('Date(transactions.updated_at)'))->get(); 

$chart = Charts::database($data,'area', 'highcharts')
     ->title('Monthly Collection')

but in chart it shows nothing means blank space. in the documentation it says To work with the GroupByYear, GroupByMonth, GroupByDay, lastByYear, lastByMonth & lastByDay you'll need the column created_at in the data rows.

But i need to use the updated_at means yesterday dues can be collected today which will be consider as today's collection. How can i make it working with updated_at. Thanks

via Chebli Mohamed

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