samedi 10 février 2018

New Laravel project, /login is forbiden

There are a couple of questions like this, but none of them worked for me.

I have a new project in Laravel. I created new /register route, works perfectly. But /login is not working. I'm getting 403 Forbidden error and nginx/1.13.3 beneath. I tried adding new .htaccess file in the root of the project and it didn't work. I have a project that I created couple of months ago, with the same route /login and it still works perfectly, with no .htaccess fine in root.

I'm using Homestead machine as the server and I have Laravel 5.6.1. project.

And, no matter what I do, the same error is still there. I can remove the route, the controller or the view (just to provoke new, familiar error) but still the same one.

Any ideas what is going on?

via Chebli Mohamed

1 commentaire:

  1. Nice articel about Laravel project, /login is forbiden , This article help me very well. Thank you. Also please check my article on my site Know All About Htaccess Tutorial. In link article we will learn about htaccess File.
