jeudi 26 avril 2018

Laravel Eloquent Relation Query - Get data along with relation attribute

I need help to retrieve eloquent relational data.

Let's say I have this eloquent relation:

Model & Relation

  1. Company
    Attribute : (id, code, name, status)
    Relation :

    public function sites(){

  2. Site
    Attribute : (id, company_id, code, name, status)
    Relation :

    public function company(){

What I want to retrieve

I want to retrieve all site data along with it's company name, e.g:

      "company_name":"Company 1",
      "name":"Site 001",
      "company_name":"Company 1",
      "name":"Site 002",

What I already tried

  1. I've already tried with this method:

    $sites = Site::with('company')->get();

but it gives me:

      "name":"Site 001",
         "name":"Company 1",
      "name":"Site 002",
         "name":"Company 1",

  1. For now, I use this way to get the data. But I think there's another best way without loop the whole data just to get some specific relation attribute:

    $sites = Site::get();
    foreach ($sites as $site){
    $site['company_name'] = $site->company()->first()->name;

My question

Actually, how is the best way to get the data I want? Is it possible to not use loop and just use Eloquent relation query? Thank you.

via Chebli Mohamed

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