I have 2 ambients, one for Local development (in Ubuntu for Windows 10), where I run my server withphp artisan serve --port=123
and I access through
and another one in a shared host called Dev, where I access to through this URL: http://dev.example.com/my_project/public/
In my routes I have this:
Route::redirect('/', '/inicio', 301);
Route::get('inicio', 'DashboardController@index')->name('inicio');
In Local, when I access to
it redirects to
which is correct. But in Dev if I join to http://dev.example.com/my_project/public/
it redirects to http://desa.laravel.com/inicio
Why is happening that?. Plus, in Local and in Dev, if I use: href=""> both sites sends me to where I need, which is
and http://dev.example.com/my_project/public/inicio
via Chebli Mohamed
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