jeudi 21 juin 2018

Correct string to pass to route() when getting Route that is inside a Route Group

I have a Route Group, pasted below, inside of which there is a Route named clients. I want to use the route() function in a view to get that clients route. What is the correct string to pass to the function.

The below includes one of the things I tried, in terms of setting up the group, which was to add 'name'=>'company.' to the Group method arguments. I've tried it with and without a . after the group name. I'm not sure if I'm going wrong in the way I'm defining the Group, or the way I'm calling route(), or both.

Route::group(['name' => 'company.', 'middleware' => ['auth'], function () {

    Route::get('/clients', 'ClientController@index')->name('clients');


If the clients Route wasn't inside a Group, I would get it in my view like this:


I have tried route('company.clients'); with no luck.

Laravel 5.6


via Chebli Mohamed

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