mercredi 20 juin 2018

How from Login Controller run VueRouter path

In my laravel 5.6/vue.js / 2.5 / VueRouter 3.0.1 application I make login using twitter and in app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php I have methods to auth twitter user. After that I need to show some common message , pointing to component, which I usually call as:

<router-link :to="{name: 'msgPage', params: {msg: 'sometext', type:'warning', redirect: 'redirect_url'} }">
        Some Test

which is rendered into url like:

But I wander how correctly run from php control VueRouter component ?

I found a way :

$url= "/home#/admin/dashboard/google_new_user/" . urlencode($loggedUser->username);
return redirect($url);

Sometimes it works, but not always and I do not is there is a valid way of this? Thanks!

via Chebli Mohamed

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