I have the following structure:
Buro->hasOne->Address->hasOne->City->hasOne->State Buro->hasOne->Category
Order->hasOne->Address->hasOne->City->hasOne->State Order->hasOne->Category
Category->hasMany->Orders and Category->hasMany->Buros
I have a "One-To-Many" polymorphic relation between addresses in one side and Buro/Orders in the other side. There is just One address for a buro and just one adddress for an order, therefor I couls use [0] to get the first the first and only one element in a collection.
Address class
class Address extends Model
public function addressable()
return $this->morphTo();
Büro class
class Buro extends Model
public function addressable()
return $this->morphMany('App\Address', 'addressable');
Order class
class order extends Model
public function addressable()
return $this->morphMany('App\Address', 'addressable');
Now I am building a form in the frontend with a SELECT field in order to select just from the Buros that operate in the same State where the order was placed.
Using ELOQUENT I did this:
$all_bueros = Buero::where('category_id', $order->category_id)
->where('title', $order->client->addressable[0]->city->state->title) // <- Look at this "title" column name
->pluck('title', 'id')->all();
The problem here is that the "Title" column name is not in "Buros" table but three tables away. Exactly in: buros.addresses.city.state.title
I have tried these syntaxes but no one worked:
->where('buros.addresses.city.state.title', $order->client->addressable[0]->city->state->title) // as object notation
->where('buros->addressable[0]->cities->state->title', $order->client->addressable[0]->city->state->title) // using the relation
I used the query builder but there is even more messy:
$buros = DB::table('buros')
->join('categories', 'categories.id', '=', $order->category_id)
->join('addresses', 'addresses.addressable_id', '=', $order->id, 'AND','addresses', 'addresses.addressable_type', '=', 'buros') //two points to join the table
->join('cities', 'addresses.city_id', '=', 'cities.id')
->join('states', 'cities.states', '=', 'states.id')
->select('buros.title', 'buros.id')
->where('states.title', '=', $order->client->addressable[0]->city->states->title)
My problem is how to join a table in two points since there is a polymorphic relation. Because I need to join the Address Table in the "Buro-column" (addressable_type) and in the Buro-id column (addressable_id)
Any help will be appretiate
via Chebli Mohamed
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