samedi 23 juin 2018

Laravel Test Custom Blade If

I'm trying to unit test custom blade if in laravel.


namespace Tests\Unit;

use Tests\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler;

class BladeIfAdminStatementTest extends TestCase
    public function testIfAdminStatementAreCompiled()
        $compiler = new BladeCompiler(\Mockery::mock(Filesystem::class), __DIR__);

        $string = '@admin test @endadmin';
        $expected = '<?php if(auth->check() && auth()->user()->isAdmin()): ?> test <?php endif; ?>';

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $compiler->compileString($string));

In AppServiceProvider.php



public function boot()
    \Blade::if('admin', function () {
        return auth()->check() && auth()->user()->isAdmin();

When I run phpunit I'm getting:

Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
Expected :'<?php if(auth->check() && auth()->user()->isAdmin()): ?> test <?php endif; ?>'
Actual   :'@admin  test @endadmin'

When I try and change the $string from @admin test @endadmin to @if(true) test @endif and running phpunit:

Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
Expected :'<?php if(auth->check() && auth()->user()->isAdmin()): ?> test <?php endif; ?>'
Actual   :'<?php if(true): ?> test <?php endif; ?>'

Notice that it fails but still, The @if statement is compiled correctly while my custom @admin statement isn't.

via Chebli Mohamed

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