lundi 18 juin 2018

Special where clause - Laravel MongoDB

I have a users collection like this,

  "type": "provider",
  "name": "user name",
  "username": "username",
  "password": "$2y$10$D3z0tLwOwB0tqPEnl63VuexOwqcR75QkVILemB1.TEsAJlk6Ixwim",
  "specialties": [
      "specialty 1",
      "specialty 2"

and a specialties collection like below,

  "_id": "5b26103b2df243228c0003ea",
  "title": "specialty 1",
  "description": "specialti 1 desc",
  "_id": "5b26103b2df243228c0003ea",
  "title": "specialty 2",
  "description": "specialti 2 desc",

The relation between them are embedded many and here is my relationship in User model,

public function specialties()
    return $this->embedsMany(Specialty::class, 'specialties', 'title');

I want to get the users who have a specialty that I want, I the above JSON It could be a user with a specialty like "specialty 1". I know about non-embedded collections but my data saved on my DB and I could not change the structure.

Is there any solution for this?

via Chebli Mohamed

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