I am working on a single page laravel-vue application.
I have a HighLevelProjectPhase table with columns "name", "id" and "department_id" Department table which has "name" and "id"
HighLevelProjectPhase table has a relationship with a Department table, using a foreign key department_id.
If i update the project name of a record, my code make it reflect on my view without refresh, but if i change the department, this change doesnt display until i reload the page.
Here is my code
$project_phase = HighLevelProjectPhase::find($request->id);
$project_phase->name = $request->name;
$project_phase->department_id = $request->department['id'];
$var = $project_phase->with('department:id,name')->first()->makeHidden(['created_at','updated_at'])->toArray();
return ['project_phase'=>$var];
The returned array is what is used to display the updated code.
Please help me figure out what i am doing wrong.
via Chebli Mohamed
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